Please note this is a work in process, so things might adapt and change as we go along and find our feet. Let us know if you have any feedback, ideas or suggestions, simply email us on sareena@artgirlrising.com.

Thanks so much for your support ♡ 


1. When is the next Live Class?
We have three more classes coming in September 2020. Keep an eye on our Instagram for more information. 

2. Can I still buy the recordings ?
Yes absolutely! Please do :)

3. Number of participants per LIVE class? 
It depends on the interest, we cap LIVE Classes at 40 participants 

4. Who will be on the Video Call 
Liezel or Nina from ArtGirlRising will be on the call with the facilitator. 

5. Attendee Price
£12 per class

6. Why do we charge for the classes? 
We firmly believe that creatives have to be paid for the work that they do. We need to change the narrative of struggling artist or creative, we therefore will pay our facilitators fairly. Also, we want to continue running a sustainable business and the only way to do this is to charge a small fee for these classes. 

7. Do the class facilitators get paid? 
  • Yes of course! 
  • Facilitators receive 60% of earnings for their Live Sessions, Art Girl Rising takes 40% 
  • Facilitators will be paid a minimum of US$120 per LIVE session
  • Facilitators receive 30% of earnings from recorded sessions sold and Art Girl Rising takes 70% 
8. How many classes will be available? 

Currently we have 9 classes, two more classes will be released in September. 

9. Which timezone? 
We will try and find a time zone that works for our facilitators and the majority of our supporters, and if we have enough interest we might even do a few to facilitate different time zones. It all depends on interest and sustainability! 

10. Will the classes be recorded / Can you access them later? 
We will record most classes except where the facilitators asked us not to. 

11. How does it work? 

  1. You have the option to book a LIVE class or buy a recorded class, the Recorded class will be available one day after the Live Session.
  2. Our site is powered by Shopify and we have successfully processed 3000+ transactions over the last 2 years, so your booking is in safe hands! 
  3. We might create a separate website or network site for ArtGirlsWFH and these sessions in future but for now we are keeping things simple and expenses low

For LIVE Sessions

  1. The LIVE classes takes place on Zoom
  2. Once payment has been made you will receive the Zoom login and password to join the class or view the recording you booked
  3. You will receive an email from us with all instructions, login details etc. at least 24hours before the session 
  4. You have the option to reply to our email with a question for the facilitator 
  5. Based on the number of participants and questions the facilitator will answer (some of) the questions 
  6. The class will take 40 minutes 
  7. We request a 5 min feedback video from the facilitators after the course, so that we can learn and improve 
  8. We will also send a feedback form to you, this is optional, but would really appreciate it if you can complete it, so we can grow and learn!
  9. If you paid for a LIVE session and you missed it, we will send the recording to you free of charge
  10. If for any reason you are unhappy or not entirely satisfied with the class or recording, please email us (sareena@artgirlrising) with details of your complaint / dissatisfaction. We will refund you within 48hours. 
  11. Facilitators will be paid within a week of the session (via Paypal or Transferwise)

For Recordings

  1. Recorded classes will be available 1 day after the LIVE session 
  2. You will receive an email from us with all instructions, login details and password within 24hours from payment 
  3. You can view the recording on ZOOM, using your login details and password 
  4. The class recording is 40 minutes 
  5. You will receive a feedback form, this is optional, we would really appreciate if you complete it, this way we can learn and improve!
  6. If for any reason you are unhappy or not entirely satisfied with the class or recording, please email us (sareena@artgirlrising) with details of your complaint / dissatisfaction. We will refund you within 48hours. 
  7. Facilitators will be paid quarterly for the sales of their recordings (via Paypal or Transferwise)

Any questions: please email us on together@artgirlrising.com